(As received)
Hi Nyakundi,
I cant be left behind too; I was once an employee of this company Vivo Woman (formerly Vivo Activewear) suffered severally under my working environment of which I pleaded to be shuffled to another department for the sake of my health but nothing worked.
To make matters worse, the same month that i was was admitted for surgery i didnt get any penny in my account in the name of, ‘I had exhausted my sick leave days’ since it was my second surgery same year.
My worries comes here when i requested for advance to catter for my extra bill in hospiital and the human resource manager guaranteed me the amount.
Can you imaginehe didnt even bother about it?
he waited until i was discharged that’s when he started bothering the staff to contribute for my medical bills.
Surely, I had not asked for handouts.
I suffered debts from shylocks to clear the hospital bill. Surely Patrick (human resource manager) handles serious staff issues soo unproffesionally.
Thats not all, after recovering I couldnt go back to work because there was no position for me with my condition.
Regards keep my name anonymous.
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