Hallo Cyprian
I want to thank you for your efforts in saving this country.
I work with Police kindly don’t share my contacts.
We are tired of this culture in here. Our officers have died and continue to die in substandard equipment/Vehicles bought from China Dubai and other countries.
The problem is that we are never involved in this processes as we are only used to rubber stamp CARTELS decisions. Now they are planning to get substandard APCs from a company that has no reputation.
Our officers were summoned to look at a vehicle that was brought in to the county last month to rubber stamp. Senior Police officers are not involved yet they are the users of these vehicles.
We are surprised by this. Kindly share this letter to the president now that those cartels at the ministry of interior whom he thinks he is dealing with in this corruption purge are directing what to buy at the expense of what officers need.
We are willing to share more information and names behind all this corruption
Regards, a senior officer that loves your work.
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