PHOTO CAPTION: SimplePay Capital Limited
Following our streak of publications addressing toxic working conditions at Nairobi-headquartered firm 4G Capital Limited, more disturbing reports keep churning out of the wazungu-dominated FinTech community where oppression, mistreatment, and exploitation of employees is a common trend.
Yesterday, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, we briefed our esteemed readers on a looming legal battle between ex-staffers and rogue executives at the donor-funded organization notorious for using and dumping members of its workforce.
Fintech Firm 4G Capital Limited Faces Legal Action For Unfairly Dismissing Staff
Serious complaints have been raised over how its employees are constantly placed on trial and often dismissed on flimsy grounds.
Those who are lucky to survive the skewed disciplinary process are forced out through other mischievous means, like irregular layoffs disguised as redundancies.
An internal memo which we got in our possession last week showed that the company randomly sent away more employees, without providing any prior information about such a monumental decision.
As the scandal continues to unravel, a rather interesting development in the saga has cropped up.
Newly surfaced information points out that the disgraced firm is exporting its suffocating toxicity to a sister company, Simple Pay Limited, also headquartered in Nairobi.
Sources have reliably informed us that management-level administrators at 4G Capital Limited have been crossing over to Simple Pay, where they cheerfully extend their culture of treating native staff like trash.
Some notable figures include Atri Nilesh Jasani, Pabba Raju Sridhar, Rashesh Dilipkumar Adhyaru and Sabri Nilesh Jasani who act as directors.
With the help of a certain “Mr Muteithia”, the four are said to be responsible for the chronic bullying of employees.
Recently, a female worker was left tongue-tied after showing up to work, only to find her replacement already stationed at her desk.
This was done without any prior communication regarding the supposed contract termination.
“Imagine they already sent someone to report on Tuesday, yet they had not even given me notice,” she wrote to us in distress.
This is quite a similar scenario to the one we previously highlighted at 4G Capital Limited, where up to 60 employees received a notice of redundancy.
But if their side of the story is anything to go by, there is certainly more than meets the eye in this fiasco.
They sniff a great deal of mischief in the termination of their contracts, which is why they decided to take their fight for justice to the courts.
One source who spoke to us sadly narrated how he was sent away in the name of redundancy, just six months after completing his probation period, where he brought them millions in profits.
“They employed me back in September 2021, went through a 6 months probation period, they confirmed me in March 2022.
Barely two weeks after confirmation, they accused me of certain allegations and after the disciplinary process, they found out that the allegations levelled against me were baseless and thus they requested me to resume my work.
After a week, they ordered a department structure which they sent me home for redundancy reasons.
I went further and engaged an advocate and they were ordered to pay me a certain amount of money, they declined to acknowledge the letter from my advocate and I am now taking them to court.
I brought them over Sh100milion business in barely 8 months,” he sadly lamented.
This was confirmed by dozens of other former employees, who all shared similar stories of oppression, mistreatment, and exploitation.
The alarming turnover rate at the two firms tells it all.
The toxicity is suffocating and must be brought to an end.
As we have pledged before, this blog will keep highlighting the plight of these oppressed Kenyans, who have found a safe solace on this platform.
We shall not stop amplifying their suppressed calls for help.
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