I had an ordeal on 7th June 2016 where I was driving along Arwings Kodhek just before Best Western Hotel to go pick my insurance sticker at AON offices(I’d paid for it a day prior).
I was stopped by 2 Kilimani traffic police officers and I explained to them that the car is insured am just driving to pick the sticker. I expected a lack of displaying my licence charge. They asked for a bribe which I refused to give them and insisted on driving to Kilimani police station.
They told me “hautatufunza kazi yetu” . They opened the passenger door and pulled out my passenger and roughed him up. I protested and alighted and told them not to get into my vehicle as I could drive the 300 metres to Kilimani Police Station.
They were abusive and swore to tow my vehicle to which I objected and told them if it’s a must, I’ll call Infama.
They objected and forcefully took away my car keys and snatched my phone which I was using to video record all that. In the process of trying to tow the vehicle, they bent my ‘bumber base , ‘cracked my bumper and cracked my coolant tank.
So they unplugged the towing gear and let me go to the police station. I talked to the DTO and he said hata yeye wamemshinda. Later on my insurance dated 6th June 2016 was brought to the station. Funny enough the 2 police officers just disappeared and didn’t press charges so the DTO gave me a pardon.
I got my lawyer and we booked an OB the next day. I don’t want to pursue the matter. But I feel the pinch in paying the hefty repair charges. It was clearly unwarranted.
●What happened to police reforms Reforms?