NGOs sabotage Turkana development so as to remain relevant
Nyanza Province (not disrespecting the new administrative units) is the number one place on the face of Kenya with many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
The other place is Turkana & other ASAL regions.
The common denominator for Nyanza and Turkana (not undermining the other ASAL areas) is poverty
In the recently released Infotrak Polls, Turkana is put among the top 10 counties in terms of best performance.
Order of best performing counties
The rating which took into account performance in agriculture, health and education sectors ranked Wycliffe Oparanya’s Kakamega county tops, followed by Salim Mvurya’s Kwale County and thirdly Kivutha Kibwana’s Makueni County.
Kisumu’s Anyang’ Nyong’o was fourth followed by Alfred Mutua (Machakos), John Longangapuo (West Pokot), Jackson Mandago (Uasin Gishu), Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi) and Josphat Nanok (Turkana). Bomet’s Hillary Barchok closed the top 10 list.
Donor fraud has often called out the frauds committed by donor organizations.
Turkana County is awash with them, from UNICEF, OXFAM, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), among others have held the county and the country hostage.
Though they’ve helped in some ways, some problems which can be solved for good keep persisting.
The NGOs perpetuate them so as to remain relevant.
More on donor fraud, click here.
Though these NGOs play that role, Governor Josphat Nanok is equally guilty of corruption.
A Turkana resident weighs in
In the recently released Infotrak Governor’s ranking. From the ground here I dispute the county rating. There is no one complete Early Childhood Development Education (ECD) Centre since the end of 2017, no complete and operationalized health Centre, no complete n operationalized borehole and tapped water since end of 2017, no complete and operationalized irrigation scheme since end of 2017, no complete and operationalized county tarmac road since end of 2017 to date. The last tarmac was that of Tobongloree (come back home festivities) for FY 2015/2016/2017.
All these have been appearing in county budget every financial year but not done or incomplete.
All offices built by the county are incomplete (county headquarters, ministry of health headquarters, ministry of roads headquarters, staff quarters at the Lodwar Referral Hospital next to Lodwar youth polytechnic, governor’s residence at Nawoitorong has stalled for 7 years now.
Incomplete community and office projects across the sub counties are about 58 giving a total of Sh1.3 billions as a loss.
Then how did it happen our development rating is such high. This is a real joke and scam.
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